kalaratri and crown chakra

Welcome to the series of Devi Navaratri and chakra activation This is the last article of this series as per my knowledge there are 7 chakras. So I tried my level best to provide the information . Thank you for the support all these days The seventh alankara that is done to Maa Durga is Kalaratri in fact she is also called as Katyayini. Kal means time and ratri means night. She removes darkness and brings light into the life of her devotes. She holds light in one of her four hands which signifies that she is removing the darkness and bringing light in to one’s life. She destroys all the bad and ignorance. She is considered as the fiercest of the all the forms in fact her appearance invokes fear in all of us. there are some arguments that Kaali and kalaratri are different . Maa Kalaratri is described as the goddess who rules the night and day portion of the day. Kalaratri is also described as Shubankari. The one who does good. Have you noticed one thing? She is very f...