shailaputri and muladhara or root chakra

Welcome to the series of Devi Navaratri and chakra activation

This is the first blog and I am so happy to be released it on the first day of Navartri. The first decoration or alankara that is done is SHAILAPUTRI.

History of Shailaputri:

In her past birth she was daughter of DakshaPrajapathi Sati Devi who is wife of lord Shiva. She married Shiva against her father’s wishes. His father is not interested in getting her married to Shiva as he felt that it is not a right combination. Because he was a king and Shiva is the person who lives in burial ground applies ashes and etc which and how a normal father thinks when he wants her girl to get married. But against his will and wish she married Shiva. So he was angry with her and he almost decided to never talk with her. A grand Yagna is being performed in Daksha’s house. He invited rest of his daughters and all other relatives except SatiDevi. But Sati Devi went to Yagna her husband said many times not to go and refused to send her but as she wanted to meet all her family and spend a day with them.

Her father felt as a matter of prestigious and did not even look at her and refused to talk her she felt it as insult and she died herself by jumping into fire.

This is the story we all know then, how is it related to chakra activation.

Well let us go into the blog and know it in the detail.

Shailaputri is also known as parvathi, sati, bhavani and hymavathi. Sati Devi in her next birth is born as Parvathi Devi to Himavantha and Menaka. After many years of meditation on Shiva she becomes his wife.

As she is the one who came first in the fight with Mahishasura she is prayed first in this celebration. She is also called hymavathi because she is daughter of Himavantha. Going into the details of chakra activation she is the goddess of MULADHARA CHAKRA or ROOT CHAKRA.

Muladhara chakra is the first and foremost chakra to be activated in the kundalani awakening. This chakra is also known as root chakra. This is located at the base of spine. This is connected to mind body and soul with earth. This is symbolizes strength and vitality. This is red in color

Advantages of awakening root chakra:

One can feel secured and safe while they are making choices

They can be self assured

Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha of a person can be balanced and many more.

Worshipping or praying Shailaputri will help in activation of this chakra. Look how these are connected if a human in his/her life wants this kundalini awakening the ultimate spiritual sadhana then first this root or  Muladhara chakra needs to be activated and for the existence of demon free world Shailaputri had taken a step forward and started Mahishasura vadha. To make this world demon free she took initiation, on the other hand praying her can help in awakening the chakras in our body and make our mind demon (bad thoughts) free.

Happy reading



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