Chandraganta and Manipura Chakra


Welcome to the series of Devi Navaratri and chakras

The third alankara that is done to the Devi is Maa Chandraganta.

History of Maa Chandraganta:

In the last two blogs we have seen how parvathi gets married to Shiva. As we all know that Shiva lives in burial ground and is not that much good looking because he keeps ashes, he wears tiger skin to mention clearly he had  ferocious look.

Finally with the will and wish of parents parvathi gets married to Shiva here comes the interesting thing parvathi is daughter of Himavantha and Menaka so imagine how her troop will be during marriage where as Shiva is the person who lives in burial ground. So for the marriage he comes with munis, bhuta, pretha, and pischas. looking at these mother of parvathi Menaka fears a lot and faints. So parvathi in form of Maa Chandraganta appears in front of Shiva and requests Shiva to change his appearance and Shiva changes his appearance and looks like prince. So in the form of Chandraganta Devi Parvathi appears and destroys fear of people. One more time when she is destroyed Shambu and Nishambu (the demons) she takes this avatara and kills them. So with this we can conclude that to destroy fear in the people and to protect people from demons Shakti can take many forms and protect this world. The best example is Mahishasura samhara and many more samharas. There is one belief that Maa Chandraganta looks horrific and terrific this is truth to some extent.

But she is always absolutely cool and charming and to the devotees who always pray her she looks like Abhaya pradayini and to the demons she looks in ugra rupam. One super intresting thing is devotees who worship her a lot will have a charm in their face and they look very beautiful sometimes we can get a feeling that are we looking at goddess herself. To the demons she is a demon and to the devotees she is their mother. Even when I am studying about Maa Chandraganta I felt she herself is watching me and guiding me while I am writing this content. That is the power of Shakti. I promise you that you will also get the same feeling.

Maa Chandraganta represents energy, courage and charming. That is the reason devotes of her will be very charming and beautiful. Devotes who pray her will have no fear, and she removes their obstacles, gives courage, and removes illness. Her vehicle is lion and she has eight hands. She is in golden yellow color in different hands of hers she will be holding different  weapons and her right hand always represents Abhaya(protection and blessings). The fierce form of Maa Chandraganta Devi is also called chanda or chamundi. However I feel that Maa Chandraganta takes little bit different form the past two avatars or alankara. Because she appears to the people in two forms. For the people who are bad and dangerous she appears like chanda or chamundi and for the people who believe her and worship her with love and complete belief in her she appears as Maa Chandraganta itself. This is like it is on the perspective you look towards her and it is on the belief that you have on her

Let us go further and explore which chakra is governed by Maa Chandraganta

Maa Chandraganta rules Manipura chakra in the body.. What is Manipura chakra? What happens if this chakra is activated? What is its importance? Come let us see

Manipura chakra:

Manipura is the third chakra in the body. See how our body is connected to nature and how our inner self is associated with god. Manipura chakra is in yellow color and this represents fire and life transformation. It is also that Manipura chakra governs digestion and metabolism. That is the reason in the beginning of this blog I mentioned that worshipping Maa Chandraganta will be helpful in removing health problems. Did you get the logic behind this!!!!

Yes if our body metabolism is good then everything goes well and you will have a rich health. Rich health means happiness. It is very important that having a good health. Those who are physically and mentally healthy can do anything.

Pray Maa Chandraganta... with her blessings activate Manipura Chakra and stay healthy and happy...

Happy reading


  1. Apaduddharini Tvamhi Adya Shaktih Shubhparam
    Animadi Siddhidatri Chandraghante Pranamamyaham 🙏

    1. Thank you for support happy reading may maa Chandraghanta bless you


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