Bramhacharini and Swadisthana chakra

Welcome to the series of Devi Navaratri and chakra activation

In this blog we will come to know how the second day of Navaratri is linked to the activation of second chakra activation in the body.

History of Bramhacharini:

The second alankara is Bramhacharini. As parvathi Devi wanted to marry Shiva she asks her parents. But they refuse. She will pray nearly 5000 years for him. But Shiva doesn’t want any other woman in his life. He felt that sati Devi is the only one who can be her life forever and ever and he never got thought of marrying other woman because he loves her that much.

There is a small story of parvathi getting married to Shiva. There was a demon and his name was Tarakasur who got boon from lord Shiva that he should never killed by any others except the children of Lord Shiva. There is a logic behind it, Shiva don’t want to marry again so  that he don’t get children so the demon thought that he would never be destroyed and he can rule this world. This was like a torture for the people and remaining Deva Devis . So the devathas wanted Shiva to marry again. So they asked Manmadha to create love for or parvathi in Shiva. Unfortunately their plan did not work. Knowing this parvathi got upset and she went to gurukula and stayed in gurukula without getting married so she is called Bramhacharini.

In Sanskrit Bramhacharini means woman who performs  Tapa. Knowing this lord Shiva approaches Bramhacharini and tells her that he got some physical problems and also asks her to leave him and get married happily to the person whom her parents want to get her married. But she doesn’t accept it and finally she marries Shiva.

She performed Tapa for many years by eating none or very little. Very shocking thing I discovered is her Tapa was that pure it caused disturbances in all the three worlds that existed. Influenced by Narada she performed Tapa for many years.

Maa  Bramhacharini represents knowledge , loyalty and wisdom. She is really great worshipping her is  really important because she blesses us with greatest emotional strength. It is always said that handling emotions is really important to achieve success. One who handles emotions in a right way has power to rule this world. Unfortunately in this era of technology none of are able to handle emotions inn proper way and we will be always ready to shout on others, blame others. In my point of view I feel handling emotions is being calm and cool in the all situations, even if they are not in our control we should have that capacity to handle and control our emotions.

Which chakra activation in our body will help to handle emotions . Have you ever wondered this is related to chakra activation the body . Yes when all the chakras are activated and properly balanced in the body then only we will be balanced at work and etc.

Which chakra in our body does Maa Bramhacharini Devi governs???


Swadisthana chakra is associated with Maa Bramhacharini. What is this Swadisthana chakra? What is its  significance? What happens when it is activated in the body? Why is it really important that this chakra needs to be activated in the body??

To know all these answers let us explore  this blog

Swadisthana Chakra:

Swadisthana chakra is in orange color.This is the second chakra in the body. Activating this chakra will help in creation and manifestation. And as said earlier ma Bramhacharini will bless us to balance emotions activating this chakra will help in creating, manifesting our dreams and freedom from enemies and it is unbelievable that on practicing this chakra one will attain siddhis. One more interesting fact is that on practicing this regularly it can be possible that one can overcome anger, fear, jealousy etc. this chakra is in orange color and it symbolizes the awakening consciousness in the body. This chakra is blocked when one have fear of death, anger. Lord Bramhacharini is worshipped on second day because she gives knowledge and wisdom. She is worshipped on the second day of Devi Navaratri. She removes obstacles from life and make people life obstacle free.

Happy reading


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