Hey all ,

    How are you hope you are all doing fine. I am back with yet another interesting blog. Before this I am very happy to share with you all now I am officially an INFOCIAN. the dream of many youngsters to work with an company like Infosys. Finally my dream came true. Would you like to know how I made this . If so continue reading. Because this is quite interesting and filled with mixed emotions and many more. So no more suspense. Let us begin

                               After a long wait with many terrible nightmares about IT , many rumors that I can not get IT, many said that IT had gone, many people making joke of mine IT, I finally got an update to join IT on November 24th. What is IT? IT is my journey with Infosys. I graduated in the year 2020. The most terrible year. Writing exams in this year is like a adventure. Because of the global pandemic which is dreadful and dead full. I finally got my date of joining. 

                              With many hopes and dreams I have joined the company. After my first FA every thing went down because I did not qualify in FA. Yet I have an option of taking retest I was so depressed and worried about my career. As a fresher it is quite common to have such tensions and worries. I felt too low and even depressed. Then I said the same with very close people of mine. Because I always feel that when some thing like this happens it is must to share these things with very close people of ours

                         By god's grace i found very good friends at Infy training who motivated me and pushed me forward to achieve this big thing. Thanks to them from bottom of my heart. Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba always tells that if we take one step towards him with faith and devotion he will take 100 steps towards us.  But in my case he had taken infinite steps and blessed to achieve this biggest thing. And at the same Infosys have a policy of giving second chance which is a boon

From bottom of my heart I am dedicating this blog to my Infy friends who are more than a family for me now

Thank you,

Have a nice day


  1. Sairam๐Ÿ™
    _After 8 yrs ❤️You come with beautiful blogspot, Journey with Swami and journey with your job. Really enjoyed With your journey of life. Have a great future ahead ✨ Congratulations ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŽŠ
    Good Job ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Thank you anusha... But im back with blog aft months not yrs dear๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Akka....your blog is so interesting...☺️๐Ÿ˜ƒ


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