Top 10 reasons why I became devote of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba 😇😇

 My God is God for one who worships
He is father for a child
Teacher for a student
Friend in need etc
I have no words to describe him... I think normal people like me can't describe him because I am a girl who didn't take any kind of training how to write poems or how to describe greatest people. Look these usage of words like "greatest people" describing about Swami it self tells how poor I am to describe about swami... But clearly and confidently I can tell that the only qualification that I have to describe him is  " HIS LOVE TOWARDS ME"
I always feel proud and happy to be his devote..
Top 10 reasons why I became devote of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba..
The first reason is I am born in  Sri Sathya Sai devotee's family and this is quite common to follow the rules of family
The second reason is I used to attend Balavikas classes regularly..
The third reason is Swami used to come in my dreams which really attracted me . Because dreams in which swami  used to give Dharshan  were like a magical world to me
The fourth reason is ... slowly I started singing bhajans where I used to get appreciations from elders when I used to sing  in Bhajan Mandir.. This can sound funny but bhajans are the first factor where a seed called  DEVOTION started germinating in me
The fifth reason is slowly I understood the love💖💖 that  he is giving to me
The sixth reason is Swami started testing me where I understood for every test he is the solution..
The seventh reason is I started experiencing his love💖💖💖
The eight reason is I realised he is not any where else he is in my heart
The ninth reason is he is my best friend
The tenth and final reason is he is everything for me
Finally I would like to end this blog with some pics  of service which  is being done by Sri Sathya Sai organization  Anantapur in this critical session of Covid-19


  1. Sairam to all devotees 🙏🙏
    Awesome. No words to explain his doing great service, play important role in spreading swamis message all over world. Bhagawan said Spirit of oneness is the hallmark of true service. We are proud of you.

  2. Sai ram..ur words are very meaningful 🎉

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