Bhagwan baba was born on 23rd November in 1926 to smt.Eswaramma and Sri PedavenkamaRaju in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh... Swami had a elder brother two elder sisters and a younger brother... Baba's name is "Sathya Narayana Raju"..
 The reason behind the name:
                                                               A few seconds earlier to Swami's birth mother Eswaramma ate the prasadam of Sathya Narayana puja(Sathya Narayana puja is a religious worship of the Hindu god Satya means “truth” and narayana means,  Vishnu“The highest being” so Satyanarayan means “The highest being who is an embodiment of Truth”. Vrat or Puja means a religious vow, religious observance, or obligation. Hindus throughout  perform Sri Satyanarayan Vrat for the divine blessings of health, wealth, prosperity, opulence, education; relief from troubles and sickness. )
As the name so the  boy was:
                                                      The boy never lied in entire life. He stood on truth . Infact he is not normal human being like us he is God.. So he always keeps on his words.. He never lied....
 My family's bonding with swami:
                                    My maternal grandmother had a great privilege of playing with baba. This is the ultimate luck I got. She used to get her favorite sweet "Mysorepack".. remembering swami my ammamma said that "the boy had got thick hair,His face used to glow with divinity and his presence made me feel that divine himself had come to earth to play with us.. My maternal grandmother is the first devotee in our family. She is very lucky she also said that "after playing for lots of time... He used pull sweets from the empty bag which he used to carry with him. When those were being distributed I eagerly used to wait for my turn and then I used to think it should be my favorite sweet Mysorepack. I used to get the same as prasadam".  I think that sort of luck is still continuing in my life ... 
                         How ever I always feel that we Sai devotees  are really lucky because we are chosen by him to be his devotees and we got great opportunity to worship him in this kaliyuga. 
Who is great the one who worships or the one who does Seva????
                         The one who does Seva is great . Because the one who does worship may sit infront of Lord's photo for an hour or half an hour or for 15 minutes. But the one who does Seva have capacity of keeping Lord in their heart. So sevaka is greater than bhakta..
                         Swami proved this practically. Once when the devote asked swami that swami there are many idols are present in Hill view  stadium. But why the particular Hanuman idol is so large. Then swami told that Hanuman served Rama throughout his life so Hanuman is great and God always remembers the one who did Seva. 
                     So sevaka is greater than bhakta and swami  wants all of us together be like Hanuman.. 
And of course the Hanuman statue is 75feet one must visit Lord Hanuman in the stadium...
The divine mission declaration...
                                                             In the year 1940 on 20th October swami announced the purpose of his Advent and sang first bhajan "MANASA BHAJARE GURU CHARANAM"...  This happened when swami was studying at uravakonda at the age of 14. He went to near by garden and sang his first bhajan. Swami picked some Jasmine flowers and threw them on floor where it appeared "nenu Sai baba" in Telugu script..
The Sai Revelation:
                                   After seven years of Avatar declaration swami revealed his divine mission to the world through a letter written to his elder brother Sri Seshama  Raju..In letter swami wrote "Sathya will certainly triumph some day . Untruth might appear to over power but truth will establish it self he let the world know that he had a task, a vow  and a work he loved that is to foster all mankind to lead all who stray away from the straight path back into good ways and to remove the sufferings of the poor and Grant what they lacked...I don't belong to any place and I respond to what ever the name called.."             
 I would like to end this blog by a small gratitude
            Swami you are my mother
                           You are my care taker
             Swami you are my father
                          You are my protector
              Swami you are my teacher
                           You are my instructor
              Swami you are my best friend
                           This relation will never end
              Swami you are my God
                           I am your child
              Swami you are mine
              I am yours
              Happy birthday swami🎂🎂🎂




  1. Waah😍at the last the gratitude poem was so nice..All the very best for ur future writings sis👍.Jai sai Ram🙏


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