Code of conduct for students
                  The student life is very much important in human's life. In this blog I gonna share few tips regarding the code conduct from the teachings of my guru and guide bhagwan Sri sathya sai baba. As swami told there are few disciplines that need to be followed if we are students
The few disciplines are
Discipline in walking and talking
Discipline in sitting
Discipline in sleeping
 Discipline in walking
                                       It is said in Sanskrit that "uttammaminadi manava janma". Yes the birth of human is really the best . As God gave us best in the world it is really important to maintain discipline in the above aspects and make it even more best. Coming to the point maintaining discipline in walking is important because ,it avoids us from distractions . For example the college is completed and we are all off to our houses or rooms (for the people who are staying in hostels) how we usually go !!!we walk on the roads all the way shouting and we feel that we are the only one who is ultimate on Earth . This should not be done that's why it is important to maintain silence when we are in the roads.
How to maintain silence???🙊 
                                               Silence comes when we feel that "it is our responsibility to reach out to house safely. Because if we are continuously talking on the roads we can't concentrate on walking and this leads to accident . We should never chit chat with others when we are walking. If it is really need to discuss the important thing then silently come back to room and discuss nothing happens because "safe return journey to house is really important than discussion which creates choas life"😊 this creates discipline in walking.
How to maintain discipline in talking???😷
  Bhagwan Sri sathya sai baba who is my master and guru tells that "those who speak more will do very less and those who speak less will do very more". This is the worldly truth . Mean while our words hurt more than our actions. So we have to be careful with tounge. This discipline comes "when heart is pure. Heart becomes pure when thoughts are pure. Thoughts become pure when actions are pure. Actions become pure when our surroundings are pure. Surroundings become pure when we are pure. We become pure when we start seeing God in every one. " So start seeing God in every one and make your lives happy. It is really difficult to see God in every one . This requires lots of sadhana.
Maintaining discipline in sitting💺💺💺
            As a student he or she should sit very straight while listening to classes. This is not done three days. Sitting straight means keeping your spinal cord straight. There are 33 different rings called vertebrae. They interlock on each other and form spinal column. Especially the 9th and 12th one . A nerve called sahasrara is connected with these two rings. These two activate medha sukthi in student and hence student needs to maintain discipline in sitting
 Discipline in sleeping😴😴😴
   This sounds so funny, but if this is done you just can't imagine the miracles that are going to happen . There are various Positions like getting limbs closer to body. This decreases memory power. And also sleeping on left side which creates night mare. Never sleep like this .       Follow all these steps and become his lovable one's. Jai sai ram



  1. I loved this concept DISCIPLINE today to i will follow this steps
    OM SAI RAM 🙏

    OM SAI RAM ��

  3. Dear your article is really appreciable. Walking sitting talking and sleeping...these four are the most basic actions of our life which ppl didnot get perfection all through their life. Practicing devine preachings of holy sages will sure lead your life in a successful way.

  4. Dear your article is really appreciable. Walking sitting talking and sleeping...these four are the most basic actions of our life which ppl didnot get perfection all through their life. Practicing devine preachings of holy sages will sure lead your life in a successful way.


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