Tribute to mother Eswaramma πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

        Sai ram dear readers
Who is mother Eswaramma????
                          Mother Eswaramma is an icon of  Indian culture. Mother Eswaramma is mother to whole world. Mother Eswaramma is jagadhjanani. She is mother of our  swami .

Why mother Eswaramma is  loved by every one???
  Mother Eswaramma loves children very much. Indeed she is perfect icon of Indian culture. She was chosen mother because of her good deeds in the past births..
A thought comes into my mind that she wants to show her gratefulness to the mother Earth for giving her female birth and that is the reason why she gave birth to our sai .
     Namagiramma to Eswaramma.
                            Why did Namagiramma  turned to Eswaramma? One morning when she was collecting water from the well she felt that a light energy entered into her body and she goes to her mother in law and tells the same . When they said about this incident to the astrologer then they informed her about the Divine advent. On the suggestion of her mother in law mother continuously chanted the Lord's name . Her father in-law remembered the words of venkavadhutha  about the divine advent. He then confirmed that Lord is going to take his advent. Then he changed her name from Namagiramma to Eswaramma..
  Danyho Eswaramma...

Danyho Eswaramma  jagkodeno Lal baba. Yes Eswaramma is really dhanya jivi. She gave birth to universal master. The reason why God choose her to become his mother is , only God knows everything about us . God must be knowing about her three noble desires. That's why God chosen Eswaramma to become his mother.
 The three noble desires...
   1. School
    2. Super speciality hospital
    3. A well.
             On one occasion mother went to the Lord and told to lord like this "swami many devotees are coming from long distances to see you and to pray you but these can't satisfy me swami . Our village is really small and people of our village can't pay high school fees and  mean while they can't send their children to the long distances  so can you please build a school for them". Swami built a school and full filled her wish.     
 Super speciality hospital.
          On one occasion mother went to swami and asked swami that swami our village  is a small village. "People can't go to long distances and can't get costly treatment swami so can you build a hospital for them?" Swami once again fulfilled mother's wish by building a hospital.  
 A well
        on the other occasion mother Eswaramma went to swami and ask to swami that "swami I think the water of this village are getting poisoned and it is the reason why the people are getting the bone diseases and narrow limbs are being created in their bodies. So can you please did smallville which gives us fresh and clean water to the village." Swami once again fulfilled her wish.
What makes these desires noble??
                      This desires became noble because all the desires which were asked by Eswaramma are use full to some thousands of people around the world. When Mother Eswaramma had asked to build a school swami built a University which is providing world's best education with free of cost. when mother had asked to build Hospital swami made it a  super speciality Hospital where the world's best treatment is being provided with free of cost. The people who go there for  treatments are not only getting cured physically but also mentally. And also when Mother asked to dig a well swami built a water project which benefited the anantapur district and still the anantapur district is grateful to swami because of  Sri Sathya Sai water project.
 Why Eswaramma day is celebrated??
                  It was in the year 1972 May 6th where the quotes on Indian culture and spirituality was being held in the brindavan(swami's residence  in Bangalore). On that day mother Eswaramma calls both her son and Lord swami swami swami and silently she merged into our bhagwan. 
since she loves to be children with all the time and just to remind us we should always think about God even at one foot to grave on 6th May 1983 swami officially announced this as Eswaramma day indicating it to celebrate as children's day.  So the day iscelebrated as Eswaramma day in every Sai centre of this world. 
       Let us all pray mother Eswaramma to shower her blessings on us. 
                   Let us listen about mother Eswaramma in swami's words...    

M meaning 
O  of
T true
H heaven  and
E ebullient
R radiant
                     Jai sai ram


  1. Its really great to hear stories through these blog...waiting for more blogs..


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