The actual property that humans own is ....

Sai ram dear readers
                             I have heard about a man who earned thousands of rupees and about a woman who owns luxurious apartments..
I wonder when both of them were one foot to grave no one had come to see them. Even their children. Children!!!! Yes their children even didn't come to see them.... Can you guess what could be the reason.. the reason is they earned the properties but not the actual properties.
What is this actual property?!!!!!
  Is it a car?
  Is it a building?no nothing it is neither car nor building. Both of them did not own the  property".  The actual property is "car of values" which is a self driving car that helps us to drive through out our life and shows the way for best life ..and "building of love"which indeed builds the beautiful life surrounded by our near and dearest ones.
What is the way to earn actual property???
           Bhagwan sri sathya sai baba lovingly reminds us that we have to control our thoughts which are very dangerous...indeeed  swami in multiple number of discourses told that "mind is a monkey not just a monkey a mad monkey not only a mad monkey a mad monkey which is drunk not only a mad monkey which is drunk a mad monkey that is drunk and also bitten by a scorpion...." Just imagine a monkey with the above charcterstics  . Is it possible to control  that kind of monkey?  No it is highly impossible. In the same way the mind comes out of our control and behaves like that monkey only...
How to control that monkey mind???!!!
        If you think that your mind started behaving like a monkey just tell that "nothing in this world is mine"...a beautiful control tip said by bhagwan baba...yes we have to think like that .... Is there a relationship that exists between monkey mind and "actual property".. yes of course co there is because if we wish that our near and dear ones to be with us up to our last breath we need to control our monkey mind because...the monkey mind is the inlo one which develops an attitude of earning money in bad way like how that is ild man and woman does...that is the reason they could not earn the actual property

                     Bhagwan baba also told that we should never follow the mind even the body we have to follow the conscience because everyone whether they own  crores of property or not every one own this price less property known as "conscience" yes we have to follow the consience then only we can earn the true property....
Let us now summarize what we read in the entire article
If we earn the actual property which is car of values and building of love then only we are humans
We should control our thoughts
We should control our monkey mind
We should darely  face the obstacles of "bad thoughts" which disturbs us during the earning of "actual property"...
Always follow the consience..
Never follow the mind or body which is very very dangerous...
     The actual property is showering love on others and having good thoughts...
            Let us all follow the above tips and earn the "actual property" and yearn the "bhagwan's grace"...


  1. Woww..ur writings giving me devotion in every aspect❤lots of support to ur writings


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