Is sri sathya sai still alive.....

Sai ram to the readers
                                           on 24th April every year bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai baba's aradhana day is celebrated.. This is also day like the other days but today swami left us physically...As it was already said by some one that this is the special day that swami had moved from "yajur mandir"to our "hriday
Mandir "it is so good to hear and accept but this is completely mourning day for the Sai devotees all over the world .
              As our swami in one of his discourses told that "God is formless". It is the truth that every one should accept .Because we are praying Sri Krishna..are we able to see we can't..we are praying Shri Rama are we seeing him no we can't
...lucky are those devotees who saw Krishna and rama. In the same way our swami had come to us to make us happy... He made us happy he did his job and he left us physically.. 

                 Swami in one of the discourses told that every human has three powers they are
                             This is momentary. Because when swami is in our presence then only we can see him.
                             This us also considered as some what momentary because when swami leaves for his residence after giving dharshan we forget his form
                           This is permanent because in this state if one closes his eyes or opens his eyes he continuously  feels swami's presence....
                         The state of meditation can be achieved only when one's heart is filled with pure love ... How can we know that our heart is filled with love or not.
It has some limits they are
1) if one criticizes us we don't mind them
2)if one shouts at us we never mind them
3) we will be happy all the time
                  Swami in the same discourse mentioned that how he us able to shower here s love on every one continuosly " there are many people who blame me,who criticize me...but I will be happy because I never mind them and I will be happy all the time." Swami in the same discourse mentioned that we should not always expect the physical form to be with us " and if we really believe in swami we should feel his presence always . 
                     So dear readers on this holy aradhana day let us pray swami that we should be always in the state of meditation... Let our love for swami grow more and this way swami is still alive...Jai sai ram


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Woww..ur first blog has so much depth sai ram....ur words are soo worth to read lots of love

  3. Woww..ur first blog has so much depth sai ram....ur words are soo worth to read lots of love


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